Call Now - 02 - Bowflex- “Meathouse 2: The Jacket Doesn’t Matter”

Dan, Dave and Mark look ok, but they are doing some heavy lifting this week as they learn all about the Bowflex! Find out, what a Bowflex is, what a Bowflex does and what you can achieve in just 20 minutes a day...three days a week. It's not all patented power rods and resistance, its also about momentum, looking like Randy and pushing yourself to just do a couple more of those real quick.

We know you want to look like Randy, but if you need some video evidence we’re willing to share…even though THIS ONE’S MINE.


Call Now - 03 - Popeil Automatic Pasta Maker- “Looks Magic”


Call Now - 01 - Magic Bullet - “The Ultimate Party Machine”