Call Now - 29 - BluBlockers (Part 2) - "zorp: Z-O-R-P”

Dan, Dave and Mark do their best to unravel the mystery of Operation BluBlockers and go knuckles deep in Sugarman (credit: Limp Bizkit) investigating the publicly available information surrounding the well-known psy-op. The boys explore details behind Sugarman’s military background, his intelligence experience and it’s impact on his more notorious asset: Zorp. It’s hard not to fall victim to the bright lights of Hollywood with all of the celebrity lookalikes and imitation BluBlockers. But keep your eyes open, don’t blink (or even squint), don’t succumb to the headaches and before you know it every wrinkle will be smoother than Dr. Geek and all will be revealed in a moment of clarity.

Channel your inner Joe Sugarman. Don’t believe us. Or him. Or yourself. Do your own research. Draw your own conclusions.


Call Now - 30 - A Conversation with Tom Purvis


Call Now - 28 - BluBlockers (Part 1) - "Searching for Sugar Man”