Call Now - 30 - A Conversation with Tom Purvis

That’s right - the Trainer to the Trainers® himself, the one and only, Mr. Tom Purvis is on the line and hanging out with the boys this week! Tom drops some serious intellectual weight on Dan, Dave and Mark (don’t worry, momentum was not a factor) and can’t resist taking them through a full circuit to build their bodies of knowledge. TTTT exercises some patience with the boys and fills them in on a few behind-the-scenes flexes and spots them for a few reps around the world of fitness informercials at large. As a special bonus, Tom sends the boys on an Easter egg hunt and plays a quick game of “Fair or Jowl.” So take the Call Now Challenge! You can finish this entire episode in just 20 minutes, three days a week and if you’re not completely satisfied, send it back to us for a full refund. Once you listen, you won’t know how you could get this type of entertainment from any other podcast.

In case you’re a little foggy on which cut of the legendary Bowflex infomercial the boys covered…here you go. And if you want to validate how right Dan was and how hopelessly lost Dave and Mark were, look no further than episode two as your evidence.

Remember the part where Tom mentioned having a career outside of Bowflex? He wasn’t kidding. Check out his full arsenal of health and fitness experiences (and even some of that “embarrassing stuff” they talked about at


Call Now - 31 - Ronco Showtime Six Star Knives (Part 1) - "That Creep Can Roll”


Call Now - 29 - BluBlockers (Part 2) - "zorp: Z-O-R-P”