Call Now - 38 - Remembering Ron Popeil

Last week when they heard the news, the boys gave you their thoughts and reactions in the moment, hours after learning of the passing of Ron Popeil. Now, they do their best to pay homage, and their proper respects, to Papa Ron. They celebrate the King of the Infomercial and dig into what made Ron's Ronness so singular and take a tour through the incredibly diverse array of inventions he developed and marketed for the past half century-plus.

Here’s the full-length profile from 2000 that CBS Sunday Morning ran about Ron that may confirm (or deny) some of what the boys are saying.


Call Now - 39 - John Abdo’s Bun and Thigh Doer (Part 2) ft. Tom Purvis- " Sagging to Bragging and Bunbelievable”


Call Now - Emergency Episode - Rest in Peace Ron Popeil