“The Three aficionados of infomercials alive.”

— Jan Muller

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Ron Popeil B+ Effort Ron Popeil B+ Effort

Call Now - 05 - Ron Popeil's 5-in-1 Turkey Fryer - "Off the Bone"

Happy Turkey Day everybody! Grab a seat at the boys' table with Dan, Dave and Mark at Uncle Ron's house, to dodge the flying oil and enjoy a fast, easy, safe 3/4 cooked turkey for Thanksgiving! Bring your elbow length rubber gloves and your backpack because it's a soul-searching adventure that journeys beyond the heights of our extended safety sleeve and into the world of Big Country Fair food! Gobble gobble!

Full informercial: Popeil's 5-in-1 Turkey Fryer

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Deep Dive, In the kitchen, Ron Popeil B+ Effort Deep Dive, In the kitchen, Ron Popeil B+ Effort

Call Now - 03 - Popeil Automatic Pasta Maker- “Looks Magic”

Dan, Dave and Mark are hungry and they want to carb up but they want to make sure what they're making is healthful, fast and so easy to make that a child could do it - so let's make some pasta! It's our first foray into the Popeil-iverse guided by, her majesty, Nancy Nelson as they boldly explore the Popeil Automatic Pasta Maker. The best part is, you know all the ingredientses - from carrot juice, to borscht, to delicious salmon sausage, you can't mess this up!

Full informercial: Popeil Automatic Pasta Maker

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